Monthly Archives: July 2015

Harmony in diversity

Some of you may have already known recently that NCC has organised a special SG50 concert on Monday night (Jul 6), in celebration of Singapore’s religious and racial harmony. It was also reported in the news that Deacon Kang has mentioned, ‘Let us resolve and commit to sustaining and growing this harmony we enjoy. It must be preserved at all costs and not be taken for granted.’

At this juncture, i should pause and reflect upon what this religious harmony might mean for the church. I have no doubts the taoists who co-organised the event would very much welcome this harmony as it is part of their philosophy to be in harmony with nature and the world. Good and bad, light and darkness are inextricably linked together and cannot be separated. Concepts that are evident to the Christian, like good and bad, are but different sides of the same coin.

In the Tao, there is no god or gods. What does the Bible say of such things?

You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

James 4:4

I will not go into the study of this verse but suffice to say, non-believers are enemies of God.(As were we before we converted). What does light have to do with darkness? Or what harmony does the day have with the night? The lusts, philosophies, cravings and thoughts of the world are in emnity with God and hate God for who He is. The Bible makes it clear we cannot be a friend of God and a friend of the world at the same time! it is just impossible.

With this, i leave you to ponder and think. If you need to take a stand, will you stand on the side of truth?

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